About us

Welcome beautiful soul 
What a pleasure to have you here,
All you see here is made with a lot of love, mixed with passion and a dream come true if you work for it. This is one of my dreams i pushed always for tomorrow, only then to do it in the most historical time since, you name it. If 2020 has thought me one thing than that tomorrow is unknown what counts is now. This moment right here, are you doing what you want to do or are you doing what you think you should do? Well, for me after answering these two questions and plenty others I knew i need a change. A change that changes everything. 
The Positiv Attitude Community was founded in June 2020 in the middle of the current going pandemic. The founder Marie- Louise Merdenyan made a decision and definitely a statement for herself, when she decided to leave her "safe job" for her own dreams. Since then a lot has changed and Positiv Attitude was born. Today, with all her experience, passion, love and the talented and Goldsmith Mr. Kurt in her team she is finally following and pursing her own dream. With each product you purchase you are helping a passionate team to go even harder. Each product was chosen  or and designed by them with much love in the detail. 
Join me in my journey and be a part of my ongoing community, we here believe that with a Positiv Attitude nothing is impossible. We share and help each other in the entrepreneur world and how to keep and attract positive energy. Its all about a good vibe and sharing knowledge. I'm always looking forward to get in touch with new projects and to engage with new people. I can't wait to read your message, get in touch with me send me a message to info@positivattitude.com.
Thank you for your love and trust.
Vibrate high
Positiv Attitude Team